Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Influence Of Civil War - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 734 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/05/18 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Civil War Essay War Essay Did you like this example? As of today the United States remains the most dominate country for a variety of reasons. We have been involved in a handful events on our own soil and also across the world. Those events range from the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, to the Korean War and beyond. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Influence Of Civil War" essay for you Create order Each of these events have had an effect on the Country in many ways. However there is one war in particular that I wish to discuss, and that war is the Civil War. Being an African American this war caught my interest the most, as the constitution was amended to free slaves after the war. The War opened eyes to many things as you will find some key ones in my paper, such as diseases in war, womens role in the war and the influence on medicine practices. When we think of war we think of winner and loser and the ones that lose normally surrender or die to the hands of opposition. With plenty of research from my sources that you will find at the end of this paper, I found that many deaths came from something else. That something else were the diseases that began to emerge throughout the four long year war. According to one of my sources titled This Place of Death: Environment as weapon in the American Civil war, Environment was central to the understanding of disease causation in the American Civil War. This source provided me with a variety of reasons of how health and diseases played as key factors In the midcenturys as new diseases were emerging those around the world who specialized in the medical field all deemed to have the answers. It was said that To my understanding if something began to emerge where it was uncommon, no one had the answer. This article proved me to be right as it was said a theory wasnt developed until late 19th century. The theory was that microbe A causes disease A, and travels from person to person through air, water or insect vector. Sadly the theory classified as Germ theory came a little late as the war had already begun (mid-19th century). However one thing that was a definite answer was the condition of environment throughout the war was a problem. This war was lethal as well over 600,000 people were killed. That wasnt done without damaging the environment. The chemicals from explosives contaminated waters and destroyed land. That opened up the door for diseases to spread like wild fires. Unbearable conditions opened the door for diseases soldiers became sick and open to diseases like, small pox, malaria, measles and other diseases. Luckily according to the article and further research a physician by the name of Edward Jenner had been practicing Vaccines to prevent/limit smallpox. However they didnt have as many vaccinations, doctors, and resources back then as we do now. Staring at pictures of camps and hospitals, the conditions seemed unsanitary. The sites were not only dirty, but they also seemed over capacity. With an unreasonable ratio of patients to doctors more lives were lost and more diseases spread. In most pictures trees were chopped down, I would assume that they were for warmth and shelter. Explosions also played a role as mentioned earlier in my paper. This in conclusion destroyed the homes of animals who normally feasted on insects that helped spread diseases, thus allowing the death toll to spike. With all of this going on this allowed physicians like Edward to figure out ways to tackle the numerous diseases like never before. With that said sadly the tragic events through this war proved to be almost like an influence. In my next source by Thomas G. Cropley of disease management he seemed to agree. The article as stated on the first page discusses the story of how physicians and nurses of the time approached a number of cutaneous diseases of importance in the military. A different war known as the Crimean War experienced something similar. According to the article the British came up with something known as Royal Sanitary Commission. This was a model that strongly helped with health provision throughout the country as a whole. Its interesting as it happened shortly before the Civil war. With that said to no surprise Cropley went on to discuss how the United States went on to mock their own model after it, (United States Sanitary Commission).
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Social Media And Its Effects On Society - 1325 Words
High school is a mosh pit of youths, no longer teenagers, but not yet adults. When hundreds or thousands of them are grouped together under one roof, a breeding ground for both insecurity and narcissism is forged. Forced into a pressure cooker of judgement, harassment, and competition, they seek approval from various sources. Some look to trusted advisers, focusing on academics, sports, and extracurriculars. Others look to their peers, potentially falling into a vicious cycle of drugs, alcohol, partying, and other unhealthy behaviors. Left alone to identify themselves, teens rely on the confirmation of their environment. Whether they live in a small town or an urban city, social media has established a worldwide public platform for the scrutinization of this generation of emerging adults. During these tumultuous years, teenagers find themselves seeking the approval of others. While healthy sources of validification exist, the effects of unhealthy, attention-seeking actions are more damaging and longer lasting. Unfortunately, some teenagers fail to recognize the danger they put themselves in. Lacking the ability to reach out for help, insecure teens turn to the comfort of their peers. Under the impression that â€Å"fitting in†is the same as following, they replicate the harmful behaviors they witness. In doing so, they start down a path which may may be difficult to escape. Perhaps it starts with one beer in someone’s backyard and light, misguided peer pressure, but the pathShow MoreRelatedSocial Media And Its Effects On Society1597 Words  | 7 PagesSociety Crumbles into Smithereens One Post at a Time You are walking out of the new Star Wars movie, posting about how superb it was, when suddenly you are swooped up and thrown in the back of a vehicle. No one would have thought posting about how you were there earlier would provoke such a situation. 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People’s safety will be in danger, crimes will increase, people will getRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society1601 Words  | 7 Pagesrecent editorial titled â€Å"Hazards of Social Media†on your LinkedIn page on February 10th, 2016. It was very interesting to read your perspective on social media and its effect on society. Having an undergraduate major in Psychology at the University of Southern California and currently conducting research on social media usage at the Brain and Creativity Institute of USC, I have spent significant time researching the issue of social media.Though I agree that social media can be hazardous if not used effectivelyRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society998 Words  | 4 Pagesis bound to be a shift in social norms. As the times change, so does societ al views on acceptable values. One such possibility is the standard value accepted by mainstream society in which the way a female body is sexually portrayed in the media. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Us Against Them by Jake Miller free essay sample
Jake Miller- â€Å"Us Against Them†Jacob (Jake) Harris Miller released his latest album â€Å"Us Against Them†on October 8, 2013. Miller started his musical journey in 2011 by posting videos on YouTube. He is inspired by other rappers such as Eminem, Drake, and Macklemore. At only 21 years old this young rapper has already released three albums: â€Å"Spotlight†(2011), â€Å"The Road Less Traveled†(early 2013), and â€Å"Us Against Them†(2013). â€Å"Us Against Them†is an album made up of 11 tracks; there is a song for every type of listener on the album. â€Å"Collide†is an upbeat party track with a technologic chorus. â€Å"Hollywood†and â€Å"High Life†display Jake’s confident side by discussing how much he enjoys his life and how he’s having a fun time living it. Miller shows his romantic side through the tracks â€Å"Me You†, â€Å"My Couch†, and â€Å"Carry On.†One easil y noticeable factor that separates Jake from any other rapper are his lyrics. We will write a custom essay sample on Us Against Them by Jake Miller or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He does not rap about sex and drugs like most rappers do. This is clearly shown in his single â€Å"A Million Lives.†This song is about three different scenarios that teenagers may have to deal with. There is a girl with cancer, a boy who gets bullied, and a girl who loses her brother in death. In each scenario there is a point where the teen feels like they cannot take their pains and sufferings anymore and they want to give up, but when they listen to Jake’s music they feel confident, inspired, and refreshed. Each verse ends with â€Å"†¦I thank God for you every single night because believe it or not, you saved my life.†Jake Miller is continuously stealing the hearts of people worldwide with his relatable, soulful, and passionate music, gaining more and more fans who he calls his â€Å"Millertary.†His monotone voice in â€Å"Puppet†is one of the most relatable songs for teenagers. Everyone can relate when hearing the lyrics: â€Å"Damn , Im feelin like a puppet. A g*****n puppet. Being pulled in a million different ways. Man I think Im bout to break. I’m a puppet. A g*****n puppet. Sick of feeling like a puppet. Sometimes I wanna disappear, all these voices in my head.†He leaves an imprint on the minds and hearts of listeners and as Jake says, â€Å"Ive met a million people, been a million places, Shook a million hands, seen a million faces. Had a million lows, and a million more highs, no I havent made a million, but Ive touched a million lives.â€
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Who discovered oxygen, Priestly or Lavoisier
Oxygen is a vital gas that occupies up to twenty one percent of the earth’s atmosphere. Animals and human beings require oxygen for their survival while it is the excreted by plants as an end product of photosynthesis.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Who discovered oxygen, Priestly or Lavoisier? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a matter of fact, oxygen is present almost everywhere forming two thirds of the body mass of a healthy human being, it accounts for half the mass of the crust of the earth as well as nine tenths of water masses. Its discovery was therefore one of the most successful discoveries on earth. But the question is who really discovered oxygen? There have been many debates disputing on who the first person to discover oxygen was. Some will argue that it was discovered by Carl Scheele a Swedish chemist; others will give credit to Priestly while others would associate Lavoisier with i ts discovery. Born in 1733, Joseph Priestly I believe is the man behind the discovery of oxygen gas. Priestly made discoveries of oxygen gas in a Bowood House laboratory in the year 1774. In his laboratory experiment, he took a glass container and inverted it then inside it put a lump of reddish mercuric oxide and focused it using sunlight through a wide glass burning lens. This experiment resulted into an emission of a gas that in his opinion was six times better than the common air. To validate his discovery, Priestly carried tests and noticed that the ‘gas’ could burn intensively. He also found out that the ‘gas; discovered was able to keep a mouse alive up to four times longer than the common air. He later on named the gas ‘dephlogisticated air’ since it lacked phlogiston and supported combustion. Apart from the lab experiments, Priestly found out that a mouse kept in jar with a plant would survive unlike that kept in a jar of air only. In additio n to his discovery, Priestly found out that a jar that had a sprig inside for twenty seven days rekindled a candle. In all these he was confirming the discovery of the oxygen gas. However, he decided to share the news of his discovery with Lavoisier who disapproved his theory of ‘dephlogisticated air’. After several experiments Madame Lavoisier discovered that air had an element that had the ability of combining with hydrogen to form water. This element was oxygen referred to as dephlogisticated air’ by Priestly. Given the above contributions made in the discovery of oxygen, it is difficult to make a decision on who should be credited with the discovery of oxygen. This controversy has been confusing even at the Nobel Committee panellists where there has been no agreement on who should get the ward of the first â€Å"Retro-Nobel Prize.†Advertising Looking for assessment on chemistry? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nevertheless, it can be argued that the idea of discovering the existence of oxygen was Priestly’s who however had no idea of its reaction. Looking at it from a different perspective, it can again be argued that Madame Lavoisier is the discoverer of the real oxygen since he was able to prove its existence in the atmosphere through the water reaction. However, basing on the facts of the discovery experiments I would agree that all had their share of contributions in the discovery but Priestly seems to be the initiator of the whole discovery though with little explanations. Lavoisier only made an expansion of the idea and found out that the gas was actually oxygen. Giving credit where credit deserves, Priestly deserves the award. This assessment on Who discovered oxygen, Priestly or Lavoisier? was written and submitted by user Adan Flynn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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