Sunday, May 24, 2020
Paintings of Vincent Van Goh and Paul Cezanne Free Essay Example, 2000 words
â€Å"The Rocks†, as well as â€Å"Bottom of the Ravine†, after initial viewing, both appear to be of landscapes. They each have the same attributes within them than one would connect with being a visual look at a landscape environment, or an environment which is found outdoors. By saying environment, it gives the viewer the visual picture, even without seeing the image(s) itself, of something that has greenery, rocks, and sky to it. Overall, both chose an environmental, outdoorsy, type of theme for their respective works. They compare with having the essential aspects found in a landscape laid out on the canvas. Any sort of difference would be subtle in nature due to the fact that, to the naked eye, they both appear to be thematically attempting the same concept. Both take on the theme of nature and all of its glory, with the rich greenery that applies to the natural world. An Artists ability to achieve composition in their work is instrumental in their work of achieving the desired effect. The first thing to contrast between the two as it comes to composition is the use of technique in painting both. We will write a custom essay sample on Paintings of Vincent Van Goh and Paul Cezanne or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now While â€Å"The Rocks†appears to have more forced brush stroked to it as seen by the texture of the paint as it appears in the canvas, â€Å"The Ravine†itself has no visible force applied as it comes to the paint and in the end almost appears to be a photograph. Someone could very easily assume that it was a photograph if had not have been for the direct labeling that it was in fact â€Å"Bottom of the Ravine†created by Paul Cezanne. Both do have a tree that is in the central forefront of the visual intent with the tree having a surrounding environment that is primarily comprised of rocks. With that in mind, â€Å"The Rocks†, as Van Goh composed it, appears to have a single tree that’s surroundings include more greenery at its base, as well as a sky that gives the sense of being overcast through the shades of white paint that are meant to symbolize heavy cloud cover. â€Å"Bottom of the Ravine†takes a d ifferent visual approach than its counterpart. While it does in fact have a central tree within its primary eye line, as well as the emphasis of a rock filled surrounding, the usage of green in background along the rocks gives a sense of other trees lining the rocky mountainside and not the alternative of being a grass like plan structure or some other kind of shrub. Despite that, both are works that fall within the classification of nature pieces, but are clearly two individual interpretations of how the outside majesty of nature looks to them as they see it through their own eyes.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Of Agora Cyber Charter School - 941 Words
According to Feeding America (n.d.), 46.7 million American people live in poverty including 15.5 million children. The status of living in poverty often makes families experience food-insecurity, or the inability to provide substantial, nutritious food to their children (World Hunger Education Services, 2015). Unemployment and job uncertainty often lead to food insecurity and both have become a growing problem in America. As a teacher in a cyber- charter school who severs a cross section of children throughout the state of Pennsylvania, I have taught many children from various socioeconomic backgrounds. This wide range of students has allowed me to expand upon my own knowledge of poverty in America and witness the impacts to a child’s education. Agora cyber-charter school is quite unique. According to the Agora Cyber CS Charter School Plan (2015), the school has students from â€Å"more than 480 of 500 total school districts across the state.†The student populati on is diverse and represents students from all races, ethnic groups, and religions. However from a socioeconomic perspective, our school has 70% of students that require for free or reduced lunch. A lunch that they opt not to receive when choosing to attend school from their home. The school has more students identified with special needs than normally found in a traditional setting. Overall, the school is faced with the challenge of serving students with severe academic gaps at their time of enrollment and aShow MoreRelatedStem Integration Within America s Schools971 Words  | 4 PagesSTEM integration within America’s schools is a necessary requirement to adequately prepare students to compete in our future society. Although growth in STEM related jobs is quite apparent, knowledge of STEM capacities is necessary to function in the 21st century. The Committee of Highly Successful School for Programs for K-12 STEM Education (2011) calls for schools to â€Å"strive for excellence for all students in all disciples†(p.13). Meaning successful STEM K-12 education programs have specific
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Web Conferencing Programs Free Essays
Corporate Memos Dawn Cramer Technical Writing Fundamentals January 14, 2013 Nancy Delain MEMORANDUM Date: January 14, 2013 To: Manager From: Dawn Cramer Subject: Web Conferencing Programs Earlier you asked me to research web conferencing programs in order to hold weekly status meetings. I have found several programs that will work but based on my findings I believe that the best choice would be Infinite Conferencing. The following points summarizes why I chose this program. We will write a custom essay sample on Web Conferencing Programs or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. The number of participants that can be accommodated is 1,000. The ability to transfer files and record the meetings. No required installation to take up memory as well as specific application control and user authentication. 2. The cost is very low and there is remote and IT support as well as Email and instant chat support. There are two types of manuals available either an online manual or a PDF manual. | Infinite Conferencing| InterCall| ClickMeeting| Ready Talk| Adobe Connect Pro| Monthly Price| $35. 00| $42. 00| $10. 00| $49. 00| $55. 00| No Required Installation | yes| no| yes| yes| Yes| 128-Bit AES Encryption| yes| yes| no| yes| yes| Maximum Web Attendees | 1000| 125| 1000| 25| 50| File Transfer| yes| yes| yes| yes| Yes| Record Meetings| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| Support| yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| Online/PDF Manuals | yes| yes| yes| yes| yes| The reason that I did not choose InterCall is because the maximum web attendee is only 125 and they require an installation. Another reason I did not chose this program is because the cost is higher. The reason I did not choose ClickMeeting is because there is no encryption to protect company information even though the cost is much lower. The reason I did not choose Ready Talk is because the maximum web attendee is only 25 people and the cost is even higher. These are the same reasons that I did not choose Adobe Connect Pro even with the maximum web attendee at 50 people. References: Infinite. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. infiniteconferencing. com/services/web_conferencing. php Find the Best. (2013). Retrieved from http://web-conferencing. findthebest. com/ Tech Media network. (2013). Top Ten Reviews. Retrieved from http://web-conferencing-services. toptenreviews. com/ How to cite Web Conferencing Programs, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Technology on Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Technology on Customer Satisfaction in Hospitality. Answer: Introduction: This particular section of the paper is used to highlight the procedure which is to be undertaken by the particular researcher in order to get a proper understanding regarding the nature of the search and its possible implications. Hospitality industry is an ever changing and an emerging market which is developing with regard to the trends in the outside world as also with the technological advancements. It is crucial to understand the impact of technology utilisation on the satisfaction of the clients. This is possible through a thorough data collection and he interpretation of the findings and thereby concluding on the said topic. The impact of technological advancement and the utilization of the procedures in the lives of the employees need to be understood in the particular research paper. For this a proper method of data collection is utilized and the results are interpreted for further study. Research Methods: This section discusses the method of data collection utilized in the research and the sampling technique which has been adopted for the same. The research aims to collect data which are qualitative in nature. This particular case focuses on the collection of qualitative data as it aims to understand the viewpoint of the participant in the survey. Basically qualitative study aims to convey the fact behind why people have certain feelings and thoughts. Qualitative analysis might take place in a variety of contexts. In this particular case the hospitality industry was considered and the impact of the use of technology on client satisfaction in the industry was considered. The role of the researcher in the qualitative research is to actually understand the thoughts and feelings of the participants of the study. The task is not easy as it requires asking people to speak about things which might be extremely personal. At times the experiences which they have to share might be difficult. The analysis of the thoughts, opinions and feeling of the people might help provide a basis for a future stand-alone qualitative study which might assist researchers to bring out suitable survey instruments for proper use in a quantitative study. Sampling Technique: In the case of this particular research the method adopted is the collection of primary data. Primary sources of data are considered to be much more reliable than secondary sources of data as the respondent themselves state their opinions on a particular topic. The sampling technique adopted here is that of qualitative sampling. The main person in the interview method is the researcher himself or herself. There needs to a level of technical competence which needs to be maintained at the time of conducting the interview. Previous knowledge and personal bias needs to be eliminated at the time of conducting a particular interview (Kelly, Bourgeault Dingwall, 2010). There are four major types of qualitative sampling techniques which can be adopted at the time of conducting a research namely purposeful sampling, convenience sampling, quota sampling and snowball sampling. In case of purposeful sampling, also known as selective sampling, the qualitative researchers use to recruit participants who are capable of providing in depth and detailed information regarding the phenomenon under study. The study can be extremely subjective and determined by qualitative researcher generating the qualifying criteria. There are primarily three major types of research interviews namely structured, semi-structured and unstructured. Structured interviews are essentially verbally administered questionnaires where there are a set of pre-set and predetermined questions with either little or no variation and no further scope for follow up questions, for responses which require a further amount of elaboration. Unstructured interviews on the other hand do not reflect any pre-conceived theories or ideas and these interviews are performed with either little or no amount of organisation. Such interviews are easy going and start with basic information and can be moulded in a manner to suit the needs of the interview which help in eliciting suitable information. However unstructured interviews are time consuming and difficult to manage and offer little guidance previously as to how to proceed with the interview. It often happens that the interviewers find it difficult to proceed with the interview and often the participants also find it to be confusing. The interviewers need to be properly trained in order to conduct such interviews (Thomas Magilvy, 2011). In this particular research topic qualitative method of research had been chosen as qualitative methods of research help in providing a deeper understanding of social phenomenon than those which would be obtained from purely quantitative sources. Interviews are appropriate when little is already known about the phenomenon of study but detailed insights are required from the participants. Data Collection: In this particular study, a particular supervisor of a hotel had been selected and had been interviewed on his ideas and perceptions on the topic of the research being conducted. The interview method selected in this particular case was that of unstructured open-ended interview. There were questions which were asked to the supervisor to understand his views on the particular topic of the impact of the use of technology on client satisfaction in the hospitality industry. Thus the data collected in this particular research were therefore qualitative and primary by nature. An unstructured interview was conducted with the supervisor of a hotel in order to understand his viewpoints on the particular topic (Patton, 2002). The coding technique was applied in the analysis of this particular research. Open coding comprises of the distinct concepts as well as categories in which the data collected can be broken down. This subdivisions help in forming the basic points for the developments of the analysis. Basically the data was broken down into first level concepts or categories. Open coding comprises of the distinct concepts as well as categories in which the data collected can be broken down. This subdivisions help in forming the basic points for the developments of the analysis. Basically the data was broken down into first level concepts or categories. In this case, the supervisor whose interview was taken was broken down under several sub headings which helped provide directions for further analysis. The points which the supervisor mentioned in his interview were considered for further elaborative analysis. The concepts or issues which were collected from the interview were further arranged into headings and sub-headings for future implications and relevance. After the open coding had been considered, it was followed by axial coding which helped in the identification of the relationships in the among the open codes. The subsequent steps of open and axial coding helped in making the analysis complete overall (Qu Dumay, 2011). Ethical Consideration: Ethical considerations of the interview were maintained in the sense that the name of the supervisor who was interviewed was not mentioned in the interviewed. The supervisor was made to sign on an agreement on which it was mentioned that these personal details would not be disclosed. The ethical considerations of keeping the identity of the interviewee a secret in this respect were maintained. The limitation of this study is the lack of sufficient data. Interviewing one supervisor is not enough for the relevant conclusions to be made about the research topic. It is desirable to conduct more interviews of influential individuals of the hospitality industry in order to reach a valid conclusion regarding the research topic of interest. Conclusion: There are several better ways in which the analysis can be much more convenient and easy to use. Fuelled by the technological advancement and immense power of the internet of things, the consumer expectations with respect to the hospitality industry are growing. This is particularly true with respect to the hospitality industry. Technology is bound to mean an easy life for the consumers and therefore there is a huge appetite for this sort of a lifestyle. Facilities like the automatic check in and check-out facilities, improved facilities at the hotels all benefit the hospitality industry as a whole resulting in a large inflow of customers. There are much further developments to be made in the industry with respect to the advancements of technology and this can be done better in as the considerations from the viewpoints of the supervisors are taken into consideration. Better and much more efficient techniques need to be adopted and the procedures need to be developed to make the hospi tality industry better in view of technological advancements. References and Bibliography: Acharya, A. S., Prakash, A., Saxena, P., Nigam, A. (2013). Sampling: Why and how of it.Indian Journal of Medical Specialties,4(2), 330-333. Glaser, B. G., Strauss, A. L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: strategies for qualitative research. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. Kelly, S. E., Bourgeault, I., Dingwall, R. (2010). Qualitative interviewing techniques and styles.The Sage handbook of qualitative methods in health research, 307-326. Lincoln, Y. S., Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Newbury, CA: SAGE Publications. Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods (Vol. 3). Thousand Oaks, C.A.: Sage Publications. Qu, S. Q., Dumay, J. (2011). The qualitative research interview.Qualitative research in accounting management,8(3), 238-264. Spradley, J. P. (2003). Qualitative Approaches to Criminal Justice: Perspectives from the Field. Thousand Oaks, C.A.: Sage Publications. Thomas, E., Magilvy, J. K. (2011). Qualitative rigor or research validity in qualitative research.Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing,16(2), 151-155.
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